Lo Shoot in Downtown Boston.
Album art for Chronic Tone’s ‘Green in Blue’
Cover art for SPNDA
Responsive website redesign and new product line for Scope Urban Apparel.
Lo Shoot in Harvard Square.
Album art and graphics for the ‘4 the People’ collaboration project between Catch Wreck and Rah Intelligence.
Cover art for ‘Glory Daze’ by Pauze.
Cover art for “Meant to Be” by SPNDA ft. Real P.
Cover art / poster and Web Presence for Catch Wreck’s Origins Release.
Cover art for “Creep’N” by O.T.O.
Cover art I shot and designed for Retrospek’s new song Untimely Arrival.
Scope Music Photo Shoot with Sofia Snow.
Cover and single art for The Jeffrey and production of official bootlegs of the CD.
Album art for Catch Wreck’s single “Highs & Lows” produced by Rah Intelligence.
Album art and I shot and designed for Pause’s third album ‘End of Story.’
Cover and single art for MeTaL’s “What Should I Call This Mixtape?” project.
Cover art for “Rollin’ Up” by O.T.O and Anjuli Stars.
Cover art and graphics for the first ever Scope mixtape.
Cover art for O.T.O’s 2 part single “On Fire.”
Album and single art for Catch Wreck’s “ADHD” project.
Cover art for Illy Sav’s ‘1 Vs 100’ project.
I shot and designed the single cover and filmed a promo video for “Concerto” by Catch Wreck.
Album art for ‘Stuck on 100’ by Pause that I photographed and designed.
Photos from my Black & White film class at BU.
One of my first times messing around in the darkroom.