Mass Police Reform Timeline

This was a project that came out of years of research in collaboration with Mass Police Reform and the Blackstonian which has spearheaded efforts to reform policing locally in Boston and beyond. With this project we sought to provide context for conversations that were happening locally and nationally about policing, especially after the murder of George Floyd in MN. The goal with this timeline and websites like Shot by the Police and other public information initiatives we have done was to harness the energy and focus of the moment to look right in our own backyard at the long history of abuse and killing of innocent civilians by BPD, to look at their history since their inception as the first police force in the country and to point out the some of the consistent problems and how they have been addressed or more often, not. Starting with the birth of policing in America as a public service of property protection in a time when humans were considered property, we walk through years of incidents, reports, political and bureaucratic developments and stories of the impact of policing on the people of Boston & Massachusetts. I invite you to explore the full timeline and if you have data points to contribute to please reach out as this work continues. Mass Police Reform Timeline
Stick It To Em – Sticker Making Party for Demz, Mike Brown, Eric Garner and all victims of police brutality.

Using Art to Advocate for Justice, Police Accountability and Victims of Police Brutality RSVP via Facebook Join me for an evening of art making. We will be making stickers (see examples) that pay tribute to victims of police brutality and killed by officers or that have more general messages like “stop police brutality” or “don’t shoot”. These stickers will be made available to organizers locally and sent out to other states. Attendees are free to take stickers at the end of the night as well. Brought to you by: Voices of Liberation Scope Urban Apparel Pen and Sword Political Pirates Hosted by: Make Shift Boston RSVP via Facebook
Endless Landscape Project

About a month or so ago I started a new project: The Endless Scape. It grew out of stickers with cityscapes on them that I have been drawing ever since high school. These early cityscapes have since been scattered to the wind, given away and posted in sketchbooks and throughout the world. While stylistically the start of the Endless Scape may seem indistinguishable from these early stickers, the project itself is a vast departure from these one off images. So far there are over 60 panels in the Endless Scape, although my plan is to just add to this forever. As each new sticker is drawn, the scene expands, across various kinds of landscapes and through various mediums and styles. My only rules are the format: Label 228 postal stickers and that the scene must continue uninterrupted from one to the next. Other than that I can do anything, go anywhere. So join me on this journey: endlesslandscapeproject.tumblr.com >
For Jobs and Freedom
On August 28, 1963, civil rights leaders, most notably Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led a “March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.” This event, which drew hundreds of thousands of supporters to DC was where the now historic “I have a Dream Speech” was delivered. While this is undeniably one of the most significant moments of the period, I had never thought of materials required to mobilize such a gathering might look like – now I know. I was shown some scans of an original program / portfolio which are an amazing resource for any activist, but particularly people interested in political art and the way art has been engaged in the service of movements and revolutions throughout history. I’ve seen lots of black and white photographs of posters, signs, banners and flags made for the march, but seeing this “collection of graphic collages… created specifically as a memento for those who participated in the historic March on Washington for Freedom and Jobs” is amazing. This booklet contained several collages which “depicts mans inhumanity, his cruelty to his fellow human being” and served as “a reminder of generations of generations of hope, of sacrifice and of faith.” It was made by the artist Louis Lo Monaco. I had not known about him before and while information is sparse, this is his best known work and can be found in the library of congress. The collages are gorgeous to me, using lavish amounts of black and limited splashes of red and blue in really elegant ways. At the same time, they combine powerful / striking and disturbing images in a way that forces you to confront the realities of the time – something I think all (good) artists do.