This was a special project for me. In the midst of the global Covid-19 pandemic, my family made the collective decision to uphold our tradition of getting all of the Niederkorn clan together for a family reunion every 5 years. This gathering meant a lot to my grandfather, Robert H. Niderkorn and I think we all had a sense he might not be here for the next one. We all drove in and tested and masked up and socially distanced and did our thing but some of my fondest memories from that trip are of sitting in the screened in porch with my grandfather and cousins and making art together. My grandfather was a very multi-talented man of many artistic and creative interests among them, especially later in his life was watercolors. This piece was made sitting next to him and with his watercolors and I gave it to him to take home with him. My mom told me after he passed at the age of 90 that it was next to his art table where he had his own painting station set up right up until the end.

In some ways this piece was inspired by his love for art deco, in the way the lights from the cars and street lamps become geometric shapes and the overall palette. I did it for him. When I got the original piece back I scanned it and we produced a very limited experimental run of all over print Scope hoodies with this design as well as some stickers to go with it.

One of the cousins who was with us for these drawing sessions was my youngest cousin Molly who we unexpectedly lost this spring.

In loving memory of Robert H Niederkorn 3/30/30-2/22/21 and Molly Marie Davison 3/27/04-2/17/23.

City Lights All Over Zip-Up

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